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Kennedy Unthank
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Movie Review

Alright, alright, let’s get you all caught up:

Loid Forger is a Westalis spy operating in the rival nation of Ostania. He’s been there awhile now working on Operation Strix, an assignment that requires him to get close to Donovan Desmond, the Ostanian National Unity Party Leader whom Westalis fears may incite a war between the nations. The only problem? Donovan is a cautious man who “only appears at social gatherings held at the elite private school his son attends.”

That’s why Loid got himself a fake family—since he needs a child to enroll at the school to have a reason to be there, and because the school requires their students to have a father and mother.

What Loid has yet to realize is that his fake family is full of people with secret identities, just like him. His wife, Yor, is an assassin who agreed to the sudden marriage in order to conceal her identity from pursuers. Anya, meanwhile, is a six-year-old telepathic girl who thinks Loid and Yor will send her back to the orphanage if they ever found out. Even the family dog, Bond, was a former lab animal and now has the ability to see the future.

But it seems none of that will matter anymore, since HQ has decided to replace Loid as the agent for Operation Strix. Unless Loid can prove that he’s made some progress on the mission, he’s up and out of there.

Well, the family is in luck. Anya’s school is hosting a dessert competition, and the principal himself is the judge. And whoever’s dish impresses him the most will get a Stella – one of the eight medals Loid and Anya need in order to become eligible to attend the school’s aforementioned social gatherings. If they can secure it, then Loid will have some ability for pushback so he can remain on the mission.

That’s why the family’s going on vacation to the principal’s favorite vacation spot—which also just so happens to have his favorite dessert. They’ll study the ingredients and methods of making it to all-but guarantee that they’ll win the competition.

Of course, it’s never that simple—especially when Anya finds and eats a chocolate belonging to the military which secretly contained microfilm evidence that could cause a war to break out. And these soldiers aren’t too keen on letting the girl get away.

Positive Elements

Loid is considerate and treats his “fake family” well. Though Loid tells himself that loving Yor and Anya is purely for the mission, he often ends up doing things out of kindness and compassion for them, even though there seems to be no benefit in doing so for his mission.

Later, Loid says that part of why he originally became a spy was so that he could prevent wars from breaking out. After all, war made him an orphan when he was a child, and he doesn’t want anyone else to suffer through that horrific ordeal.

Loid, Yor and Bond all risk their lives and well-being in order to protect Anya from evildoers.

Though unwise in her methods, Anya genuinely means well by what she does, like when she sneaks off to acquire a vital ingredient for the dessert that Loid cannot find.

Spiritual Elements

After Anya is captured, she’s held prisoner as captors wait for her to defecate out the microfilm she’s swallowed. Realizing they’ll kill her as soon as she does, Anya desperately tries to prevent herself from going to the bathroom, to the point of delirium.

At this point, she imagines herself appearing in an otherworldly meadow, where a floating and flatulating man appears, claiming to be the “Poop God.” This being tells Anya that she’s been a good soldier, but she’s allowed to go to the bathroom now, leading her to a giant toilet surrounded by statues sculpted to appear as if they’re urinating. Before she complies, Anya has a moment of clarity and breaks from the vision, saying, “What the heck is the Poop God?”

A man is obsessed with fortune telling and references it often.

Sexual & Romantic Content

Loid, a master of disguises, dresses up as a woman in order to infiltrate a palace; he briefly flirts with a man to sell the bit. Loid’s informant, Franky, is similarly seen flirting suggestively with a woman.

Anya, sensing that Loid and Yor’s relationship is shaky, attempts to fix it by forcing the two of them into a Ferris wheel so they can “flirt.” While inside, Loid reminds Yor of the marriage vows he made to her, which causes Yor to become so embarrassed that she accidentally smacks Loid out of the ride. Anya calls the event “aggressive flirting,” which the two of them quickly deny.

Yor falsely believes that Loid may be cheating on her, as she thinks she sees him kissing a woman. Elsewhere, women talk about the signs that reveal a man may be cheating on his wife. One man is revealed as having been unfaithful.

A couple shares a kiss. A fellow female agent is obsessed with Loid, desiring to be his wife.

Violent Content

Col. Snider, the film’s premiere villain, is ruthless. He tells his men to kill Anya once they retrieve the microfilm from her. And when she takes longer to go to the bathroom than expected, he commands his soldiers to cut open her stomach (but they’re stopped before they can obey that order).

Many bad guys are killed or knocked unconscious. Yor, as an assassin, stabs a few people; one man’s blood sprays along a nearby wall. A man is shot and killed. A robotic man burns to death offscreen. A plane crashes.

Crude or Profane Language

In the Japanese subtitled version, the characters use the s-word four times. They furthermore say “d–n” nearly 10 times and “h—” six times, including once when a character says, “Go to h—.” “A–” is used once.

Drug & Alcohol Content

Yor drinks a lot of wine to get the courage to talk to Loid about her belief that he’s having an affair. She becomes so intoxicated that she passes out. A couple other people drink alcohol, too.

Other Noteworthy Elements

Anya struggling to keep from defecating is a prominent gag in the latter part of the film. Jokes about flatulence occur, too.


Spy x Family Code: White exudes much of the charm and humor of the TV series on which it’s based.

And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, then there’s good news! The movie will catch you up to speed quickly, so the show isn’t a prerequisite to watch this release. And if you have seen the show but don’t plan on seeing the movie, the series plot isn’t affected by Code: White.

Viewers should note that while the movie does follow the somewhat dark humor of its predecessor, some moments are more off-color than others, such as its “Poop God” segment or the serious threats to Anya’s life. And though profanity here is subtitled, there’s still a bit of that to wade through onscreen.

So if you’re trying to spy out whether this film is for you, those are the concerns you’ll have to consider before taking the big-screen plunge with this popular anime franchise.

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Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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