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Movie Monday: The Bourne Legacy

bourne.JPGAfter three weeks at the top of the box office, Batman finally met his match: A chemically enhanced killer with a distaste for authority.

No, no. We’re not talking about Bane, the big meanie from The Dark Knight Rises. We’re talking about Bourne. Or, at least, the dude’s legacy.

The Bourne Legacy (which actually isn’t about the series’ title character at all, but rather another superspy named Aaron Cross), was the country’s most popular movie this weekend. It knocked the Caped Crusader from his lofty perch with an estimated $40.3 million.

Meanwhile, The Campaign, an R-rated satire starring arguably funny funnymen Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, finished second in the week’s box office race, collecting $27.4 million. The comedy’s strong showing pushed The Dark Knight Rises to third place on the podium. Sure, the comic-book caper swooped through theaters to the tune of $19.5 million, but still, a bronze-medal finish might’ve been a bit of a disappointment to some. Perhaps they should rename the capper to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy The Dark Knight Drops.

Or perhaps not. After all, every movie has to lose its hold on the No. 1 slot eventually, and Rises has collected $390.1 million over its month-long run—now within a batarang’s throw of The Hunger Games ($407.3 million) for the year.

While the top three movies were still chasing the disposable income of the teen and twentysomething crowds, Hope Springs offered a bit of counterprogramming for the more mature moviegoer. This surprisingly poignant but problematic comedy spryly waltzed into fourth place with $15.6 million, proving you don’t have to punch babies or bad guys to attract an audience.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days wound up the weekend’s Top 5 with an $8.2-million take.