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Call of Duty: Black Ops

This cruel and quite usual Call of Duty is selling big, despite the fact (or is it because of the …

Epic Mickey

Mickey Mouse morphs from corporate spokesman into a feisty—and not altogether good—protagonist trying to rescue a magical land from evil.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Capcom has rebooted a classic fighting contest. But rose-colored glasses only got our reviewer so far when he tried to …

Portal 2

A popular puzzler sends gamers in for another set of physics-bending challenges—and rewards them with a few chuckles along the …

Duke Nukem Forever

After 15 years, Duke Nukem is back to his alien-slaying, stripper-admiring ways. Plugged In can only ask, “Why so soon?”

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

A classic Nintendo 64 adventure/puzzle game gets a new coat of paint and some 3-D sparkle.

Toy Soldiers: Cold War

This downloadable arcade game transports plastic warriors out of your toy box and into your Xbox.

Batman: Arkham City

Batman has to make sense of things in a city full of psychopaths in this sequel.

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Well-crafted (or should that read well-Crofted?) treasure hunting meets cinematic pizzazz in this T-rated adventurer.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

This fourth Assassin’s Creed has more sharp blades than new revelations up its sleeve.


UPDATED REVIEW: Start building your first lava-spurting mega-fortress or figuring out how to stage your favorite Star Wars scene in …

Street Fighter X Tekken

Two well-known classics fighters are ready to duke it out in the same game. But it’s not necessarily jabs that …

MLB: The Show

UPDATED REVIEW: A game about a game that looks so real you can’t believe it’s just a game.

Silent Hill: Downpour

Silent Hill is being drenched by a stormy and sinister weather front. But don’t screaming children and shrieking beasties sort …

Kid Icarus: Uprising

The old NES fave Kid Icarus gets an upgraded update—and in 3-D, too! Is this high-flying fun for the whole …

Spec Ops: The Line

This grinding shooter wallows in the physical and psychological fog of war. No, make that the mess of war. The …

NCAA Football

UPDATED REVIEW: This popular title does everything it can to keep college fans happy during those dreaded moments when a …

Just Dance 4

Just one more dance? Who are we kidding? We’re on No. 4 already, with 5 through 9 waiting impatiently by …

Skylanders: Giants

Dragons, trolls and giants, oh my! The newest wave of collectibles form Skyland tag-team their way through a brand-new (super-sized) …

Halo 4

You thought Master Chief was finished? Nah. He’s got something (someone?) close to his heart to fight for this time.

Fire Emblem: Awakening

So are you a force for good, evil, or both? Only many, many battles and 20-plus chapters of twisting story …

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

The solid strategy of slipping through the shadows is dead and gone. This Gear grinds on blades and blood.

Tomb Raider

This franchise reboot packs in more spills, thrills and cheer-worthy heroism than any of the Lara Croft games or movies …

Madden NFL

UPDATED REVIEW: Over a quarter century old and still running like a kid right out of college, Madden lets loose …

Grand Theft Auto V

UPDATED REVIEW: Sixty-nine levels of slam-bang slaughter and sex. Wasn’t this franchise supposed to be about stealing cars?