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On the Radar: Gamer’s Neck, Fitfluencers and Delta-8

How Do You Prevent ‘Gamer’s Neck’?

What? Due to prolonged smartphone usage and video gaming among adolescents, an increasing number of children and teens are being diagnosed with “Text Neck Syndrome,” also known as “Gamer’s Neck” or “Nerd Neck,” a type of musculoskeletal pain that can lead to greater health concerns if left unaddressed.

So What? Doctors say that improper posture during adolescence can cause an “increased strain on the muscles, ligaments, joints and bones.” And this can then lead to increased joint degeneration and spine arthritis later in life.

Now What? If you catch your kid slouching, hunched over or otherwise executing poor posture, tell them to sit up straight! (Personally, I ignored this parental nag, but I’m feeling the consequences now.) Barring that, experts advise reminding your kids to get up and walk around every now and then to avoid a sore, stiff neck. Stretching can also help loosen those muscles. When possible, invest in a good gaming or office chair to encourage proper sitting posture. And of course, getting them to participate in activities that get them off their screens—such as sports or hiking—is always a benefit.

‘Fitfluencers’ and ‘Fitspo’, Huh?

What?Fitfluencers” are social media “influencers who have built their following by sharing a range of wellness and fitness content,” reports PopSugar. “Fitspo” are fitness posts meant to serve as inspiration.

So What? Although not all fitfluencers are bad, many who aren’t accredited “may inadvertently promote unsafe practices, unrealistic expectations, and quick-fix solutions,” Sabrena Jo (an ACE-certified trainer) tells PopSugar. At best, this type of misinformation can be discouraging if your results aren’t the same. At worst, it can lead to injury or adverse health outcomes. Some people, for example, had strokes, heart attacks or even died after jumping on the “dry scoop pre-workout” fad, wherein they consumed dry protein powder before workouts instead of following instructions to dilute the supplement with liquid.

Now What? Parents need to help their children discern which fitness trends are healthy and safe, and which ones aren’t. Looking for accredited individuals can help reduce the risk of consuming inaccurate or even dangerous information regarding fitness and health. Additionally, it’s important to ascertain how these types of posts make your teen feel. A systematic review of the effects of “fitspiration” on body image showed that it “increased individuals’ body dissatisfaction, physical appearance comparisons, and negative mood, especially in younger populations.”

11% of High School Seniors Using Psychoactive Delta-8 THC

What? Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (aka delta-8 THC, or just delta-8) is a hemp-derived compound that mirrors the effects of delta-9, the main component in cannabis that produces a “high.”

So What? Because some delta-8 products are incorrectly marketed as “hemp products,” some consumers believe they are non-psychoactive. And a survey by the National Institutes of Health revealed that about 11% of 12th graders (roughly 400,000 teenagers) are using delta-8 despite reports of adverse effects and even poisoning.

Now What? Delta-8 has not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration for safe use, which is part of the reason that delta-8 products are being marketed incorrectly. Additionally, experts warn that delta-8 edibles (gummies, chocolates and other candies) pose a threat for accidental overdose, especially for young children who may not recognize what they’re consuming.

Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.