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Movie Monday: Puss in Boots

puss in boots.JPGLeave it to a swashbuckling, animated cat to do a little trick-or-treating this Halloween weekend. Puss in Boots, a spinoff from DreamWorks’ Shrek series, flouted conventional wisdom by knocking off the more Halloween-centric Paranormal Activity 3 and treating moviegoers with some surprisingly family friendly fare.

Of course, one could argue that everyone who wanted to see Paranormal Activity 3 already went, given its whopping $54 million first-week take. PA3 lost nearly two-thirds of its audience this week, according to figures from Thompson on Hollywood, earning $18.5 million compared to Puss in Boots‘ $34 million. Clearly, this cat’s boots were made for walking … all the way to the bank.

In Time, Justin Timberlake’s sci-fi romp, rolled into third place with a $12 million take—the equivalent of about a century or two of In Time currency. It wasn’t a great showing, but it still blew past Footloose (which took fourth with $5.4 million) and another new entrant, Johnny Depp’s The Rum Diary (fifth at $5 million).

And Courageous? It cracked the Top 10 again this week, adding another $1.8 million to its total gross. All told, the faith-driven film has earned 27.6 million. Not a too shabby showing for those folks from Georgia.