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Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Eternal Strands

‘Eternal Strands’ offers a T-rated blend of big-game action adventure without ever feeling too gritty or messy.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Sim

If you love the idea of blending restaurant service and dungeon-crawling, ‘Cuisineer’ just might be the game for you.

Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
For the King II

‘For the King II’ offers a fun, turn-based, multiplayer adventure. But there are things that parents of young players should …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Dragon Age: The Veilguard

After a 10-year break, ‘Dragon Age’ is back and ready to push its fantasy adventures in … multi-gendered romantic directions?

dungeons of hinterberg
Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Dungeons of Hinterberg

Monsters, puzzles and casual chats make this water-colored dungeon-crawler a rare beast.

atlas fallen reign of sand
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Magical relics, a clash between gods and battles against sandy wraiths are front and center in this desert-bound RPG.

Cat Quest III

Cat Quest III isn’t purrfect. But there’s a lot of swashbuckling, cat-quippy fun to sink your claws into.

Deltarune (Chapters 1 & 2)

Deltarune has a cute kid-friendly look, but there are darker things beneath its pixeled sheep’s clothing.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin features samurai, assassins, and the political intrigue of 1850’s Japan. Oh, and a whole lot of …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade has some out-of-this-world elements, but others aren’t so stellar.

Role-Playing, Strategy
Unicorn Overlord

There are a few T-rated issues here, but nothing bad enough to knock most families of teens off a unicorn.

Final Fantasy 7 rebirth game
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

This Final Fantasy is indeed a rebirth of one of the most celebrated RPGs ever. But it comes with issues …

Crystal Story: Dawn of Dusk
Crystal Story: Dawn of Dusk

Crystal Story: Dawn of Dusk offers gamers a very nice taste of throwback gaming.

The Lamplighters League
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
The Lamplighters League

There’s much more to the stylish Lamplighters League than you might expect: both great and not-so-great.

Lies of P game
Combat, Role-Playing
Lies of P

Is Lies of P a graphically appealing RPG or a nightmarish and difficult slog? Yes.

Sea of Stars game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Sea of Stars

Sea of Stars packs a comfortable ‘90s RPG feel into a new magical fantasy tale.

Baldurs Gate 3
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has raised the RPG bar. But it has blown out its RPG content worries, too.

Final Fantasy XVI
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI is a game of great bombast and visually stunning spectacle. But it’s a bloody and profane spectacle …

Diablo IV game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Diablo IV

Demons, death, blood sacrifice and more demons. Diablo IV is a game for lovers of battling, loot and a wash …

Wild Hearts video game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts features nearly impossible hunts of massive, fearsome creatures. What’s not to like?

Hogwarts Legacy game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Hogwarts Legacy

As with every Potteresque venture, there’s dark and deadly peril along with the magical fun.

Fire Emblem Engage game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Strategy
Fire Emblem Engage

Is Fire Emblem Engage as engaging as its title suggests?

One Piece Odyssey game
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
One Piece Odyssey

There’s bizarre fun to be had if you know the manga landscape.

kids casting a spell
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Dragon Quest Treasures

This new kid-focused entry into a long-running RPG series may just be the gaming treasure you’re seeking.

marvel's midnight suns game
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Marvel’s Midnight Suns

There’s fun XCOM-like gameplay to be had. But you gotta be OK with Marvel’s demonic side.

9th gen starter pokemon - Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

This ninth-generation Pokémon game offers a true open-world environment—and it may leave players tickled pink.

Young boy talking to warrior - God of War Ragnarok
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
God of War: Ragnarök

There are thoughtful father/son moments in Ragnarök … amid all that gore, death and rage.

Gotham Knights
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Gotham Knights

It’s a Batman game without Batman. Can it still be worth a Bat-signal?

Digimon Survive game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Digimon Survive

This new Digimon is more visual novel that battler this go ‘round. But it’s also more horror than digital monster …

Fire Emblem Warriors
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

This latest Fire Emblem Warriors takes a new slash at some old themes.

Role-Playing, Strategy, Virtual Reality

Demeo is a dungeon crawler that keeps the play, and the dungeon denizens, light.

TIny Tina's Wonderland game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Tiny Tina’s Wonderland

Wonderland’s T-rated cleanup doesn’t necessarily equate to good, clean, all-ages fun.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Elden Ring

The makers of Dark Souls and the author of Game of Thrones join forces to make an extremely difficult, gory …

Horizon Forbidden West game
Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Horizon Forbidden West

Aloy faces new forbidden horizons. But should she face them in your family room?

Nobody Saves the World game
Nobody Saves the World

While reliably clever and sometimes funny, Nobody sometimes runs into some dark goop and glop.

Pokemon Legends Arceus game
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Pokémon Legends: Arceus

There’ve been plenty of Pokémon games released, and most of them feel much the same. Until now.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl

Nintendo has freshened up a classic Pokémon game. But it’s still just as comforting and fun as the original.

Voice of Cards the Isle Dragon Roars gameplay
Combat, Role-Playing
Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

More a card game than a video game, The Isle Dragon Roars has just a few drawbacks for younger card-flippers.

forgotten city gameplay
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
The Forgotten City

Can a game mod of Skyrim actually end up being a decent game all its own?

four girls in a school literature club
Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

When a game looks this sweet, can it hold anything bad? Ohhh yes!

Screen shot of mutant human-animal hybrids from the futuristic video game "Biomutant."
Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing

This new post-apocalyptic entry offers players a mixed bag of mutant adventure.

Screen shot of a creepy village in the video game Resident Evil Village.
Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing, Shooter
Resident Evil Village

Fans of the old Resident Evil titles should think long and hard before wandering into this Village.

Screen shot of a cat with three eyes from the game "Before Your Eyes."
Before Your Eyes

Life flies by in a blink. Before Your Eyes invites us to ponder that spiritual reality … though it’s got …

Screenshot of a man riding a giant dog in the game Monster Hunter Rise
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Monster Hunter Rise

Could this be the monster-slashing hunt you’ve been looking for?

Screen shot of armored, monstrous-looking soldiers attacking.
Role-Playing, Shooter

This looter-shooter title fully earns its M-rating with a cacophony of raging action and profane dialogue.

Screen shot from the video game Harvest Moon: One World.
Role-Playing, Sim
Harvest Moon: One World

More than any of the past Harvest Moon games, One World keeps players engaged in its farming sim fantasy world.

Screen shot of a man carrying a baseball bat.reatening
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Yakuza: Like a Dragon

The latest Yakuza entry offers a fresh, creative revamp of this hit franchise. Unfortunately, it’s still a bloody and profane …

Screenshot from the video game Persona 5 Strikers
Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Persona 5 Strikers

Beneath its Japanese anime charm, Persona 5 Strikers cloaks a whole host of spiritual, sexual and language problems.

Screen shot of a gun about to shoot a sword-wielding enemy in the video game Cyberpunk 2077.
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Cyberpunk 2077

This highly anticipated, cinematically structured RPG pushes the boundaries on explicit M-rated content of every kind.

A superhero's elastic arm pummels a bad guy.
Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Marvel’s Avengers

This T-rated Marvel superhero game feels fun and familiar, though it’s somewhat marred by occasional profanities.

Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

A refurbished classic for the Switch. But are these the battling chronicles you’re looking for?

Action/Adventure, Arcade/Platform, Augmented Reality, Role-Playing

SuperMash gives players a chance to mix-‘n’-match video game genres in creative—and sometimes odd—new minigames.


Some games are different. And sometimes, that’s exactly what you need. Sometimes you just want something that will be easy …

Action/Adventure, Arcade/Platform, Role-Playing

Dreams may not be a typical dream game, but your creative visions can make it sparkle.

Darksiders Genesis

This Bible-based battler is played out from a new perspective. But can you really tell Mom it’s more … biblical?

Pokémon Sword and Shield

If you’re a Pokémon fan who’s gotta-play-them-all, is there any reason not to?


A new generation of full-motion video games is coming. Erica shows us the game genre’s promise … and peril.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The latest Fire Emblem game migrates to Nintendo’s Switch, bringing some big changes to the franchise along the way.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy

The complicated spiritual lore of this Korean-created game world can be a little tough to follow. Its nonstop battle sequences …

Role-Playing, Sim
The Sims 2

Most games are about winning. This one’s about experiencing sim-life.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
Mass Effect

You may not have heard any sinews twanging or backbones creaking into an upright position, but a kind of evolution …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
The World Ends With You

We all have ideas about what happens to us after we die. We think about how we’ll walk through the …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter

What kinds of questions should you be asking yourself before venturing into Albion’s video game wilds?

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
Mass Effect 2

Commander Shepard just loves to save the universe! When he’s not dead, of course. And when he’s not hitting on …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Fable II

I walk into town, trusty dog at my side, looking to replenish supplies and maybe pick up a better ax. …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Pirates of the Burning Sea

The “van Hoorn” Snow is a serviceable ship. She can hold her own in any waters, especially when her crew …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Final Fantasy XII

My introduction to fantasy role-playing games came in sixth grade. At a bookstore, I noticed a fascinating tome called the …

Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Persona 3

In retrospect, I’d have to say my high school days were pretty typical. I’d worry about tests. I’d worry about …

Whispers of a Machine

This nicely staged, point-and-click adventure falls victim to its own mystery.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Marvel Ultimate Alliance

The first thing I did when I heard about Marvel Ultimate Alliance was to go to the video game’s official …

Puzzle, Role-Playing
Nancy Drew: Danger by Design

After 75 years, hundreds of books, 14 games, and a handful of movies and TV shows, Nancy Drew is still …

Role-Playing, Sim
The Sims 3

I’ll admit it: I’m one of those grumpy gamers who never really liked The Sims franchise. Tell your sim to …

Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Kingdom Hearts II

Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, The Little Mermaid and a whole host of other Disney darlings dip their toes into the anime …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Dragon Age: Origins

The latest fantasy role-playing adventure from the makers of the Baldur’s Gate games invites players into an intricate, engaging epic …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Fallout 3

There was a time, not all that long ago, when local schools ran bomb drills just in case a heartless …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

I was 19 when I stepped off a Port Authority ferry and saw the Big Apple in person for the …

Puzzle, Role-Playing
Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships

The never-aging teen sleuth Nancy Drew is bringing more than just her trusty magnifying glass on this adventure. She’s tossing …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

It may be a new day and a new Odyssey, but it’s, frankly, the same problematic Assassin’s Creed.

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

This free downloadable game is compelling in many ways, but it’s not as free from problems as you might expect.

West of Loathing

This snarky, stick-figure Wild West game packs plenty of clever quips—and a few content burrs—in its saddlebags.

Role-Playing, Sim
Monster Prom

This stylish, monster-themed dating sim has teeth you don’t see ’til it’s too late.

Role-Playing, Strategy
The Escapists 2

This popular jailbreak game has a bit of content contraband that Mom should make note of.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon

These retreads of previous Sun and Moon games split the difference between more of the same and exciting new content.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

The language spewed out by these cartoon kiddos would make a longshoreman blanch.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Middle-earth: Shadow of War

This ferocious, M-rated sequel may be set in the milieu of Lord of the Rings. But it’s a lot more …

Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Ever Oasis

This may seem like a simple building game at first blush. But there’s a whole lot more in the mix …

Role-Playing, Strategy
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

This remake of a game from the ’90s is rich in old strategy and tactics, but it has a few …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Horizon Zero Dawn

This open-world adventure offers up lots of arrow-slinging, robot-riding and post-apocalyptic soul-searching.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Pokémon Sun/Pokémon Moon

Nintendo’s latest handheld Pokémon contests build on the franchise’s familiar trappings but also give gameplay a kinder, gentler makeover.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Batman: Arkham VR

Batman gets an immersive virtual reality treatment that’s darker than you might expect.

Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
The Aetherlight: Chronicles of the Resistance

This game mixes biblical allegory with steampunk RPG thwacking—teaching spiritual truth without letting anyone know they’re in Sunday school.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Dark Souls III

The Dark Souls games are excruciating in their difficulty, and their content is dank and demonic. That’s exactly what the …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
The Division

Loot is good here. Loot is power. And, of course, like many MMOs that have come before, loot can equal …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Fire Emblem Fates

Fire Emblem Fates is a game that’s been expanded and broken up into three different parts … with three separate …

That Dragon, Cancer

That Dragon, Cancer is more of an experience than a game. An unforgettable one.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter, Sim, Strategy
Fallout 4

Games used to fit into specific categories. Fallout 4 fills something closer to an “all of the above” slot. For …


This game looks like an old-school ’80s RPG. But there’s more to consider Under this Tale.

Role-Playing, Strategy
Lost Dimension

Lost Dimension gives us a gaggle of young heroes and asks us to play something of an end-of-the-world reality TV …

Arcade/Platform, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition

This Nintendo game pack takes the Candy Crush-style puzzle concept and plays it out with two totally different stories and …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

In this trilogy conclusion, the witcher Geralt searches, sexes and slaughters his way through 100-plus hours of horror.

Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing

Bloodborne is intended to be a long, grinding and utterly bleak gaming experience. Which means there’s disease lurking in those …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
The Order: 1886

Imagine, if you will, a 19th-century steampunk London in which the Knights of the Round Table are still dashing about …

Arcade/Platform, Role-Playing, Sports
The Crew

Set in an open-sandbox digital re-creation of the U.S., The Crew is a Massively Multiplayer Online game for gearheads.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Dragon Age: Inquisition

The 2014 installment of Dragon Age is one of the most expansive RPGs ever to crowd out other games on …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!

gravity, moon, jack, Lilith, border, land, lands, presequel, prequel, sequel, pre sequel,

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Hyrule Warriors

The legendary Link is back. (Again.) But this new adventure has a fan service twist as Zelda gets mashed up …

Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition)

The latest bring-your-toy-to-digital-life game goes super and swings the Marvel universe door wide.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Risen 3: Titan Lords

Have you figured out yet that there’s a pirate’s tale at the heart of this salty sequel? But is it …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Sacred 3

This Diablo-like series tries for a novel approach, but tends to fly right past fresh to ferocious … and obnoxious.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Sim

A space cowboy MMO with something for everyone and colorful cartoony appeal too. So why aren’t we so wild about …

Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Drakengard 3

This series prequel sets gamers loose in a JRPG world filled with tense sibling rivalry.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Bound by Flame

RPG sword-slashing and demon possession burn out this fantasy epic from the inside, leaving only a charred shell of a …

Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Child of Light

A young princess is lost in the darkening world on the other side of a magical mirror. The creatures she …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter, Strategy
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid offers up a sampler plate in hopes of whetting appetites for the upcoming main course. But we’ve …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Dark Souls II

The incredibly difficult Dark Souls franchise delivers another 40-plus hour journey into a virtual world that’s all about dying over …

Combat, Role-Playing
South Park: The Stick of Truth

We will indeed stick to the truth in our review of a gross game spawned by one of the vilest …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

A Final Fantasy journey ends and a new world begins. But utopia comes with quite a spiritual price for gamers …

Role-Playing, Strategy
Bravely Default

This classic Japanese role-playing game pairs adventure and exploration with some dark spiritual twists.

Action/Adventure, Arcade/Platform, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

A handheld Zelda flashes back to the feel of an earlier classic while charging into the future with some brand-new …

Combat, Role-Playing
Pokémon X/Y

The pocket monsters are back for another catch ’em and grow ’em go-round. Already so soon. And again. (Are they …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Beyond: Two Souls

A girl and her ghost grow up to take on the bad guys, all manner of spiritual evil and even …

Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Disney Infinity

If your family thought the idea of collecting and playing with Skylanders dragons was fun, wait ’til you see what …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Time and Eternity

Body-sharing female spirits and a dirty-minded dragon. Hmmm. Not exactly your typical wedding party.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Turn over a new game with this town-building, resource-managing and friend-making “adventure” that’s animal-filled casual gaming at its most casual.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Pandora’s Tower

If you’re thinking tall tower, trapped girl and long blonde hair, you’ve got the wrong fairy tale. Rapunzel didn’t have …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing, Strategy
The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls is offering up a new suit of online armor and an endless Tamriel where you can battle …

Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Fire Emblem: Awakening

So are you a force for good, evil, or both? Only many, many battles and 20-plus chapters of twisting story …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Fable: The Journey

Another hero’s tale is about to unfold. But this time there are fewer wicked choices and more … calisthenics?

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
Borderlands 2

Another dystopian shooter filled with furious aliens, fast one-liners and quick trigger fingers.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Guild Wars 2

Some 250 years after the conclusion of the first game, ancient dragons have awoken and begun doing what dragons do: …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Sleeping Dogs

This crime RPG blends Grand Theft Auto-style street grit with Hong Kong action flick hits.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
The Last Story

Here’s a game that unfolds like a fantasy novel page-turner. But what’s to be found on the way to a …

Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]

What kind of game has the Beagle Boys kidnapping Minnie while RPG critters battle spikey-haired good guys? None other than …

Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Pokémon Conquest

The latest Pokémon contest offers a little extra strategy bang for players’ collect-’em-all-and-battle-it-out buck. But what else does it deliver?

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Dragon’s Dogma

So you can’t get enough of dragons and fantasy questing? Well, here’s a game that wants to make sure you …

Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Diablo III

Fallen angels, hell-spawned horrors and a brutal battle between good and evil lurk in this M-rated fantasy role-playing game, which …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

“The offspring of foul sorcery and witchcraft.” That’s what a witcher is. As for this game, well …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
Mass Effect 3

Intricate, immersive plotline? Check. Selfless heroes? Check. Less-than-heroic content conundrums? Check. The finale in this popular shooter trilogy encompasses all …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

A sword-swinging, magic-blasting RPG about fate and freedom. Is it your destiny to play this top-of-the-charts game?

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy
Star Wars: The Old Republic

Is the Force strong with this one, young Jedi? Meditate on this, we will.

Action/Adventure, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

A 25th anniversary bundle of Zelda quests—now with thrust-and-parry swordplay realism.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It’s a land of blood and honey, as they say, full of dragons and darkness, but also heroes and beauty. …

Role-Playing, Shooter

Mankind is up against ruthless bandits and crazed mutants in a dystopian wasteland. It’s never bunnies and puppies, is it?

Action/Adventure, Combat, Horror/Suspense, Role-Playing
Dark Souls

The slugline on the game box reads, “Prepare to Die!” And, boy, it ain’t kiddin’.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

You want to be able to jump from tall buildings in a single bound? In Deus Ex there’s an aug …

Arcade/Platform, Horror/Suspense, Puzzle, Role-Playing

One of the most buzzed about games of the year, Catherine offers a mind-bending, M-rated mash-up of romance, horror, dark …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Puzzle, Role-Playing
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

A classic Nintendo 64 adventure/puzzle game gets a new coat of paint and some 3-D sparkle.

Combat, Role-Playing, Strategy

The DNA creature-builder Spore franchise is back for a fiercer-looking go-round. Is this the natural evolution of a fun franchise? …

Role-Playing, Sim
The Sims Medieval

For years the sims have been yearning for more than doing daily chores and attending to various bodily functions. So …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Dragon Age II

Choices are what this combative role-playing sequel is all about. So we’re going to try to help you make one …

Combat, Role-Playing
Pokémon Black Version / White Version

After 13 years are you still trying to catch ’em all? Or maybe it’s your kids who care about Pikachu …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing
Two Worlds II

Games these days deliver immersive worlds that can swallow you whole for days, weeks and months at a time. Two …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Fable III

The “shape your future” game of heroes and villains is back with a revolutionary shift. It asks, “Will you become …

Puzzle, Role-Playing
Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge

Nancy is investigating bumps in the night at a Japanese inn. And to do it she’s tackling all sorts of …

Action/Adventure, Combat, Role-Playing, Shooter
City of Heroes: Going Rogue

Some people want to be doctors or lawyers or presidents when they grow up. The rest of us want to …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Monster Hunter Tri

Japanese heroes face off with dino-like monsters in an exotic frontier the likes of which Wii has never seen before.

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Final Fantasy XIII

You can think of Final Fantasy as an experimental rock ‘n’ roll band that has an identifiable backbeat but plays …

Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
White Knight Chronicles

First released in Japan, this fantasy role-playing game has now been retooled for the rest of the gaming world. Maybe …