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Celebrities Just Seem to Grow on Vines

celeb plants.JPGEver wonder why there seem to be so many celebrities out there these days? Why every time you go to the supermarket you see about two-dozen different faces plastered across the tabloids?

Some might say that more celebrities are just an upshot to our celebrity obsessed culture. Others might point to the myriad entertainment outlets we have and say, “Hey, you gotta fill up those 17 gazillion channels with something. And some of those somethings are bound to become celebrities, right?”

But while those hypotheses make some sense, I have learned the truth.

We grow ’em.

Don’t believe me? Look at the picture to the right: I found these plants sitting on the desk of Shirley Jackson, our fabulous Plugged In admin. And while they may look like average tomato plants to you, look at how they’re labeled. It’s obvious, from the label “celeb,” that this is where fame’s true roots are found.

(As an aside, I didn’t know you could grow beef from tomato plants, either.)

So there you have it. The next time you see a rising reality star or budding YouTube sensation, it might’ve been grown right in Shirley’s back yard.

Just don’t write her nasty letters should a given celebrity start to rot.