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Scream 3


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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Despite angry growling, Dope rejects material trappings (“Debonaire”). Orgy’s “Dissention” advises, “Don’t waste your precious time. Let live, let go.” A man tells his son, “Don’t compromise your ideals for anyone else/Respect your mom” (“Tyler’s Song” from Coal Chamber). Creed condemns pride, hatred and revenge (“What If”), and suggests that God holds the keys to life (“Is This the End”). “What If” also warns, “What consumes your thoughts controls your life.”

Objectionable Content

Godsmack rejects the Almighty on “Time Bomb” (“I live in a world of s—, been left here to die/ . . . Never have I seen your God/So why should I believe in faith”). Other songs express overwhelming fear, distress and pain (Slipknot’s “Wait and Bleed,” Sevendust’s “Fall”), relational suffering (Staind’s “Crawl”) and a bleak outlook on life (“Wanna’ Be Martyr” by Full Devil Jacket). Finger Eleven wants to communicate with someone, but feels exploited and incapable of overcoming paranoid suspicions (“Suffocate”). Ear2000’s “Click Click” is a gangsta rap cut soft on armed robbery, alcohol and marijuana. Profanity finds its way onto two angry contributions.

Summary Advisory

This gritty audio assault cuts to the bone with morose, spooky lyrics representative of the slasher film that inspired it. Predictable. The big shock was unmasking so many positive lines, though they’re ultimately subdued and done in by the soundtrack’s darker elements.

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Bob Waliszewski