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Three Dollar Bill, Y’all


Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content


Objectionable Content

The band’s vocabulary is obscenely limited (nearly every track contains both the s- and f-word). “Faith” starts as a remake of George Michael’s 1987 pop hit, then degenerates into profane ranting. For conflict, the prescription is aggression or violence on “Pollution,” “Stinkfinger,” “Leech,” “Stuck” and others. Specifically, “Counterfeit” states, “You need a ball bat right where your head is at” while “Stalemate” threatens vengeance on a woman (“I’d like to rearrange your face”). A preacher of sorts advocates murdering Satan’s disciples (“Intro”). “Indigo Flow” praises disturbing artists Korn and Sugar Ray, the latter for teaching the singer that “life was all about drinking.”

Summary Advisory

Another salivating wolf masquerading in grandma’s nightgown with liner notes that thank God, but lyrics that betray a very different appetite. Limp Bizkit urges listeners not to suppress anger and bitterness. Fine, but this dark, angry, hypocritical venting ignores the freedom found in forgiveness. Hopeless trash.

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Bob Waliszewski