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Whatcha Lookin’ 4


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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Every joy-filled track boldly gives praise, glory and honor to Jesus Christ. Themes range from simple praise and worship choruses to uptempo tunes celebrating God’s faithfulness, mercy and saving grace. “Melodies from Heaven” invites the warm embrace of the Holy Spirit. On “Mama’s Song,” Franklin pays tribute to the aunt who raised him (the artist’s teenage parents abandoned him at age three). When God seems distant, the singer reaches for the hem of His garment (“Let Me Touch You”). Outstanding messages!

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Summary Advisory

Another fine Top-40 project from Kirk and the clan. Best of all, their music is both unapologetically Christian and accepted by mainstream R&B radio! One syndicated radio host told USA Today [3/8/95], “We’ve played so-called gospel music before-BeBe and CeCe Winans, Sounds of Blackness-but this is truly gospel. [Kirk] says ‘Jesus’ a lot, which inspirational songs don’t dare do.” And they love it! A soulful addition to any family’s music collection.

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Bob Waliszewski