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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

Michael demonstrates “tough love” on “Spinning the Wheel” as he walks out on an adulturous woman. Later, he lays aside painful relational failures and confidently presses forward (“Move On”). “To Be Forgiven” sounds like a prayer for purpose, direction and self-control. Celebrity is portrayed as a shallow addiction on “Star Power.”

Objectionable Content

While acknowledging Christ’s sweet love for children is praiseworthy, it seems shadowy here as it is equated with a lover’s physical passion (“Jesus to a Child”). Michael beckons a lover to have sex (“The Strangest Thing”), and uses strong profanity on two songs. The most sexually irresponsible tune is the hit single, “Fastlove,” which follows the exploits of a man who prefers casual sex to commitment (“My friends got their ladies/They’re all havin’ babies/ But I just want to have some fun”).

Summary Advisory

George Michael is the guy who sang the crude come-on “I Want Your Sex” in 1987. This effort is Older, but there’s no indication its creator is any wiser.

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Bob Waliszewski