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Now in a Minute


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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

The pop smash “I Love You Always Forever” pledges lifelong commitment. A lovely tribute, “Mother” honors the faithfulness of Lewis’ mom, and her ability to provide strength and shelter. Amid mourning, the artist longs to be reunited with a loved one in heaven on “Silent World.” She advises a friend haunted by childhood trauma to let go of the hurt and never look back (“Simone”), and examines relational ups and downs on “Love and Affection,” “Without Love,” “Fool’s Paradise” and “Nothing Ever Changes.”

Objectionable Content

Minor. Overcome by romantic emotion, Lewis asks, “How can I retain my self-control?” (“Love and Affection”).

Summary Advisory

Families can feel good about the sweetly serene, celestial strains of Donna Lewis. The Welsh-born singer and songwriter avoids off-color themes and has said, “If I can move people with my songs, that’s great.” It sure is. With one small exception, Lewis moves listeners in the right direction on Now in a Minute.

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Bob Waliszewski