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Hootie Mack


Release Date

Record Label



Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content

The father of an illegitimate child steps forth to take responsibility on “The Situation.” “Show Me the Way” is an anti-crack song, but the message loses its meaning amid tunes promoting marijuana use (“Nickel,” “Hootie Mack”).

Objectionable Content

“Lost in the Moment” and “Something in Your Eyes” epitomize an animalistic lack of self-control (“I’ll take you to the peak and make you wanna scream”). Raunchy tunes, including “Ghetto Booty,” demean women by portraying them as sex objects. On “From the Back,” DeVoe describes sodomizing his “ho” (whore).

Summary Advisory

Hootie Mack is saturated with profanity and sexual street slang. The few marginally positive elements on the disc in no way warrant wading through the rest of it.

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Bob Waliszewski