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The Really Loud House





Kennedy Unthank

TV Series Review

You have to wonder if the Loud family surname anticipated this household.

They’re certainly not the quiet family, what with 11 children and two parents running around. And if anyone feels more cramped than the others, it’s probably Lincoln. Of all the Loud kids, he’s the only boy, surrounded entirely by sisters who all have wildly distinct personalities, prickly pet peeves and names that also start with the letter L.

Because his parents couldn’t manage a brother, Lincoln mostly relies on the help of his best friend, Clyde, to get him through each day, which makes the boy somewhat of a second son to the rest of the family.

And Lincoln appreciates the extra support. Because whether it’s preparing for the school dance or just trying to make a name for himself, he’ll need all the help he can get.

He may even learn a moral or two by the end of each of his adventures.

Living Loud

The Loud family? More like the Live family. Live action, that is.

Nickelodeon’s The Really Loud House adapts much of what you’d find in its animated predecessor (naturally named The Loud House). And, as you might expect, that comes with both good news and bad news.

On the positive side, it means we’ll continue to see episodes with positive messages and morals for children to emulate. We’ll see Lincoln learn how to get along with and love his family members—even when it’s not always the easiest task. And we’ll watch as the Loud family parents do their best to raise nearly an egg carton’s worth of kids.

However, it also means some of the content concerns cross over into live action, too. That means that we’ll continue to see LGBT content (mainly through Clyde’s two dads). Lincoln’s “goth” sister, Lucy, briefly performs a séance in an attempt to speak with “the spirits of the forgotten realm” and is otherwise into spooking her siblings. And some toilet humor crosses over, too.

Despite those issues, The Really Loud House will be relatable to anyone who grew up with siblings—be it one or 10. It doesn’t deny that there will be difficulties as personalities and desires clash, but we’re always reminded that true familial love will ultimately seek reconciliation and continue to grow us closer.

Episode Reviews

Nov. 3, 2022 – S1, E1: “The Macho Man With the Plan”

Lincoln and Clyde hope to become men by watching a special midnight episode of a masculine TV show. However, a new family rule may prevent Lincoln from being able to watch.

The moral of the episode explains that “a real man is a guy who loves his family and always does the right thing.”

We briefly meet a snake named El Diablo. Lucy, the family’s “goth girl,” frequently jump-scares her family members like a ghost from a horror movie. Later, we see Lucy has unexplained red stains dripping down the sides of her mouth like blood (though it’s likely just “Diablo sauce”).

We hear a reference to Clyde having two dads. The host of the TV show, “Rip Hardcore,” explains that “Macho Man badges are not gender specific. Rip Hardcore isn’t just super ripped. He’s super woke and super ripped.”

A variation of Jesus’ name is problematically used once.

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Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”

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