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Hit & Run





Emily Tsiao

TV Series Review

It all happened so fast. One minute, American dancer Danielle was walking to her car with some coffee—on her way to an audition in New York, in fact—the next, she was lying in the street, dying, as bystanders tried to help her.

Her husband, Israeli native Segev, is devastated when he gets the news, as is his young daughter, Ella (from a previous marriage).

But what follows is even more shocking.  

First, the hit-and-run driver is caught and arrested. And while it seems like the accident truly was, well, an accident, Segev’s friend on the police force, Tali Shapira, isn’t so sure.

The driver is none other than Rami Shalem, a notorious gangster from a local crime family. And the evidence suggesting he didn’t see Danielle and panicked after hitting her seems a little fishy.

But then there’s the mysterious phone calls that Danielle’s cell phone is still receiving. Rami is a former lover of hers, but could their relationship have continued after she married Segev?

And there’s also the issue of why Danielle was going to New York in the first place. It’s clear she was trying to escape something. What’s not clear is why she wouldn’t talk to Segev about it.

Finally, Segev is attacked by a masked intruder in his home the same day that Danielle dies. He manages to kill the man, but while transporting Ella to safety, the body disappears.

Though Segev doesn’t want to think poorly of his beloved, deceased wife, he needs answers.

Televihicular Manslaughter

Hit & Run is the latest TV-MA rated show to come from Netflix.

There’s frequent uses of the f-word and other profanities (including harsh misuses of God’s name), some disturbing violence showing every splatter of blood and flailing bodies and some partial nudity in sex scenes. Extra-marital affairs are clearly part of the plot, too.  

And while there’s a lot of mystery to the show’s plot, it doesn’t really leave room for exploring due to the aforementioned negative content.

Episode Reviews

Aug. 6, 2021, Episode 1: “Hit & Run”

When Segev’s wife is killed in a hit-and-run, he enlists the help of his friend, Tali (a local police officer), to discover who was behind the attack.

A man is beaten and stabbed to death with a shiv in a prison yard. A woman gets hit by a car (we see her body fly through the air and blood on the ground) and dies. Segev and a masked man fight in his home until he breaks the man’s neck. During a police chase, a car smashes into several others until police purposely wreck the driver. A song mentions “wife beaters,” referring to the tank tops typically referred to as such. We see soldiers carrying guns. We hear someone was carrying grenades.

People smoke and drink throughout the episode. One woman is visibly drunk. A pregnant woman jokes about smoking.

A couple makes out and removes their clothing to have sex (we see part of the woman’s breasts). A man cheats on his wife and it’s assumed another woman is cheating on her husband. Couples hug and kiss. We see dancers in revealing slip dresses. A man is appalled by a song his daughter is singing along to (it talks graphically about sex).

A man throws away a parking ticket. We hear frequent uses of the f-word and s-word, as well as “a–” and “p—y.” God’s name is misused several times, including one paring with “d–mit.”

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Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.

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