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Call Me Kat





Emily Tsiao

TV Series Review

When 39-year-old Kat’s dad died, she and her mom, Sheila, were pretty broken up about it. But his passing also made Kat realize that life is short, and she should spend it doing the things she wants with the people she wants.

So, she quit her job as a math professor and used the money her parents had saved up for her wedding to open a cat café. That’s right: a café with cats in it.

Sheila worries that her daughter will turn into a sad cat lady, but Kat has a more optimistic point of view. Yes, she’s approaching spinster age and still single. Yes, she just quit a steady job at a university to become an entrepreneur. And yes, she admits that sometimes it’s lonely doing things alone. But she actually likes her life; she likes her job; she likes her friends. So at the end of the day, she isn’t a sad cat lady—she’s a rad cat lady.

Rad Kat Café

Based on the British sitcom Miranda by Miranda Hart, Call Me Kat stars Mayim Bialik of The Big Bang Theory in the title role. And much like Miranda, Kat is socially awkward, sometimes gets mistaken for a man, and has a mom who can’t understand why her near-middle aged daughter wants to be single.

But the show doesn’t present Kat as a desperate, lovelorn single woman. In fact, it calls out the social pressures put upon anyone and everyone above college age to immediately get married and have children. So, when given a plus one to a friend’s vow renewal ceremony, Kat opts to take a good friend rather than flirt with other singles at the reception. Even though she’s alone, she’s happy. And while romance might eventually work its way into her life, it’s certainly not the focus of it right now–giving we single folk a break from the constant deluge of love stories that flood our televisions every night.

The series is rated TV-PG, but there are still some content concerns. Kat’s friend and employee, Phil, is a recently divorced gay man. There are a few crude, sexually charged jokes. And while you won’t hear the f-bomb dropped, some milder profanities still make an appearance.

Call Me Kat has some healthy, positive messages that Focus’ Boundless team would no doubt approve of. However, viewers should be aware that the show isn’t nearly as squeaky clean as the content Boundless produces.

Episode Reviews

Jan. 3, 2021: “Plus One”

When pressured to get a date for a vow renewal ceremony, Kat pretends to be dating her gay friend.

A woman accidentally kicks two men (one in the face). A gay man talks about his divorce from his husband. A man is objectified by several women. Someone makes a joke about sex. A woman lies about being single. People drink alcohol. We hear uses of “a–” and “h—.”

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Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.

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