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E. 1999 Eternal


Release Date

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Bob Waliszewski

Album Review

Pro-Social Content


Objectionable Content

A Ouija board is used to tell the rappers’ futures (“Mr. Ouija 2”), apply a curse (“No Shorts, No Losses”) and urge a gun-toting gangsta to kill someone (“Mo’ Murda”). Six other obscenity-strewn tracks promote marijuana use. Still, the act’s violent soul dominates this disc. “Crept and We Came” boasts about “pulling the trigger to blow out your brains.” Cop killing appears on “Shotz to Tha Double Glock” and “Die Die Die.” Bill collectors had better watch their backs as well (“Mr. Bill Collector”). Ugly, hateful stuff.

Summary Advisory

Violence. Drugs. Dabbling in the occult. This chart-topping pop and R&B effort is a shamefully consistent follow-up to the group’s 3 million-selling debut. Teens should turn a deaf ear to this trash.

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Bob Waliszewski