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Drew Binsky

Drew Binsky


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Kennedy Unthank

YouTube Channel Review

If Johnny Cash ever met Drew Goldberg, he might not have been so quick to say that he’s been everywhere.

That’s because in October of 2021, the YouTuber, going by his online name Drew Binsky, successfully visited every one of the 197 countries recognized by the United Nations. Through his 11 years of travels, he’s obviously experienced hundreds of  different cultures, and he’s ready to tell his viewers all about them.  

And just because Binsky’s visited every country doesn’t mean he’s done. After all, the world’s a big place, and he’s got a long way to go to see everything. That means that even though he’s already got over 1,000 videos about his around-the-world experiences, he’s still got a lot of content he can’t wait to share with his subscribers.

Positive Content

Drew Binsky loves exploring the world, and he almost always has a lot of nice things to say about the places he visits.

“Humanity is beautiful no matter where you go,” Binsky says.

He likes to dispel popular misconceptions about various cultures and locations, and his travels have earned him friends around the world. But while he stays generally positive, he’s also not afraid to talk about things or experiences he did not like.

Additionally, in one video, Binsky tells viewers that he used to party and drink a lot, but he considers it now a waste of time and money. He now prefers to use those resources to allow him to view more of the world.

In a handful of videos, Binsky talks about some problems that face various cultures, such as the ethics of tribe tourism and drug epidemics within some communities.

Content Concerns

Binsky swears, though heavier swears like the f-word and s-word are typically censored. However, lighter swears, like “d–n” and “h—,” are still heard. He also uses God’s name in vain.

And as stated before, Binsky does discuss the production and consumption of some drugs around the world. He also has some stories of when he experienced dangerous situations that may be intense for the youngest of viewers. Some videos contain censored nudity, such as when Binsky visits some tribal communities.

Channel Summary

The world’s a big place, and you probably aren’t going to be able to see all of it. With that in mind, for adults, it may be worth watching a video or two from Drew Binsky to learn what countries they might want to see. But the profanity might put the brakes for many an online traveler, and certainly parents may want to view these videos before they let their children watch them.

Kennedy Unthank

Kennedy Unthank studied journalism at the University of Missouri. He knew he wanted to write for a living when he won a contest for “best fantasy story” while in the 4th grade. What he didn’t know at the time, however, was that he was the only person to submit a story. Regardless, the seed was planted. Kennedy collects and plays board games in his free time, and he loves to talk about biblical apologetics. He thinks the ending of Lost “wasn’t that bad.”