Since Benjamin has been gone, even small things remind his little brother, Charlie, of him: like a snowy day or sliding in sock feet. So what can a sad little brother do now?
Since Benjamin has been gone, even small things remind his little brother, Charlie, of him: like a snowy day or sliding in sock feet. So what can a sad little brother do now?
When the snow falls, Charlie misses his brother more than anything else in the world.
Daddy says that anytime it snows, Charlie can write down his five favorite things he used do with Benjamin. The only problem is, there are hundreds of things to remember! Playing in the pool, eating dessert before dinner, running in socked feet, planting daisies in the garden and so much more.
As Charlie remembers Benjamin, he remembers a loving and playful big brother, and a house filled with happiness and joy.
He soon discovers that Mom and Dad each have their own lists. And they all can find their way through the sadness by relying on one another.
Charlie’s parents see him struggling. They see that he doesn’t quite understand that Benjamin isn’t coming home again. (The book doesn’t disclose how Benjamin died or mention the words death or died at all.)
Mom and Dad encourage Charlie to write a list of the things that he loved doing with Benjamin. They write their own lists. And their lists—Daddy loved it when you laughed, Mommy loved it when you danced—make Benjamin happy when he reads them.
Together, Charlie and his parents remember the good things about their time with Benjamin. Then they all take part in their favorite Benjamin activities as a family. And this makes them happier.
Charlie and his parents embrace one another. And Charlie remembers how good he felt when Benjamin used to hug him, too. Charlie and his parents all express their love for Benjamin.
No bad words.
We do, though, see how sad Benjamin’s absence makes Charlie. And there are a couple hints in the pictures (such as some torn-and-crumpled sheets of music) that Charlie has done a few destructive things in his angry/sad moments.
Have you ever had anyone you loved go away or pass away? How did it make you feel? What does this book say that will make those feelings better? Do you think talking with your mom and dad about sad feelings can make a difference? Have you ever prayed to God about the feelings you have?
Have your mom or dad read Psalm 34:18. What do they think that Scripture verse means? Have you ever talked together about heaven?
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Losing a loved one is a very sad thing. And it’s even sadder and more difficult if you really don’t understand what happened. The children’s picture book Where Did Benjamin Go deals with all of that and gently suggests that the love of a family can help with the healing process.
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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.
Review by Bob Hoose
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