When you’re sluggish, weepy, eyes still looking sleepy, you might need a little encouragement. That’s what this book has.
When you’re sluggish, weepy, eyes still looking sleepy, you might need a little encouragement. That’s what this book has.
Kids come in all shapes and sizes. And days do too.
Sometimes a day can make you feel crabby, touchy, everything’s too muchy.
On those not-so-great days it just feels so great to cry, shout your feelings to the sky.
However, those days can also be good days to sit down and read a book. Everyone feels bad and grumpy from time to time. And a book like this can help you see that, hey, it’s not as bad as it seems.
Just the belief that everything feels wrong sometimes.
On those wrong-feeling days, even kids can pause and say I’m sorry. We see that happen here. They hug it out and realize that with understanding friends, it’s going to be okay on this upside-downy day.
No bad words. But somebody smashes somebody else’s sandcastle. A favorite stuffed toy is grabbed, another dropped in a puddle. Somebody’s favorite seat on the swing is taken. Etc.
Do you ever feel crabby or sad on some days? Can your friends be too loud or too touchy? Are there times when you simply feel off?
What should you do on a day like that? Is it okay to say you’re not feeling so great? Who can you say that to? Do you ever pray to God about your sad feelings?
Have Mom read Deuteronomy 31:8 and talk about what the Bible says about feeling depressed or sad.
Get free discussion question for books at focusonthefamily.com/magazine/thriving-family-book-discussion-questions.
This is a nice little picture book dealing with feelings and the way friends can help.
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Book reviews cover the content, themes and worldviews of fiction books, not necessarily their literary merit, and equip parents to decide whether a book is appropriate for their children. The inclusion of a book’s review does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.
Review by Bob Hoose
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