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Movie Monday: Think Like a Man

think like a man.JPGKatniss had a good run.

After four weeks as box office champ, The Hunger Games was finally toppled by a couple of films about—well, couples.

Think Like a Man featured four of ’em, in fact (plus a tag-along divorced guy)—perhaps figuring the only way to knock off the longtime champ was through sheer numbers. The film parlayed comedic romantic angst (along with an explicit marketing tie-in to Steve Harvey’s best-selling self-help book Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man) to handily win the weekend: It made an estimated $33 million—the third highest opening weekend tally of the year.

The Lucky One, a Nicholas Sparks romance starring former High School Musical heartthrob Zac Efron, obviously wasn’t lucky enough to land the top spot. But it did spark a nationwide run on Kleenex and cleared $22.8 million, enough to push past The Hunger Games. Katniss and Co. slid to third with $14.5 million.

With Think Like a Man and The Lucky One performing so well and The Hunger Games still siphoning off box office cash like a parched mockingjay, you’d think that the weekend’s third major release—Chimpanzee—would’ve been the odd man (er, monkey) out. Au contraire. While Disneynature’s beautiful and poignant movie just cleared $10.2 million to finish fourth, it should be noted we’re talking about a nature film here. Far from slipping on a banana, Chimpanzee set a record for the highest opening ever for a nature documentary—showing a great deal of (ahem) audience a-peel.