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Movie Monday: The Other Woman

 Remember that scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King when the Nazgul leader (Nazguls are the guys who ride those flying dinosaurs, for those who don’t speak geek) is bragging about his invincibility? When he says something like, “Fools! Don’t you know that no man can hurt me?!” And then Eowyn rips off her helmet and hollers (more or less), “I’m no man, you idiot! I’m a woman!” And stabs the villain in the face?

Yeah, this weekend at the movies was sorta like that. Or would be if you replaced the Nazgul leader with a polite, star-spangled superhero and Eowyn with a snarky, scantily dressed Cameron Diaz.

After three solid weeks dancing atop the box office and flexing his chemically augmented muscles, Captain America: The Winter Soldier was knocked off its lofty perch by The Other Woman (three of them, actually). The Diaz-led, infidelity-themed comedy collected an estimated $24.7 million.

Despite the loss, Cap didn’t vanish in a spectacular Tolkienesque, CGI meltdown. No, the Marvel superhero rallied for a second-place finish and another $16 million, bringing his domestic cume to $224.9 mil. Why, if Captain America made the same amount of money with his next 74,644 movies and donated every penny to the government, he could pay off the national debt. Now that would be heroic!

Heaven is For Real continues to surprise, earning another $13.8 million for third place. It squeaked by Rio 2 by a blue feather, according to the early estimates.

Rio, as you might’ve guessed, finished fourth with $13.7 million. The animated squawker still bested two newcomers Brick Mansions, a chaotic PG-13-rated actioner, wrapped up the weekend’s Top 5 with $9.6 million. And true to form, The Quiet Ones made very little noise, earning a whisper-quiet $4 million to finish seventh.

Final figures update: 1. The Other Woman, $24.8 million; 2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, $16.2 million; 3. Heaven is For Real, $14.4 million; 4. Rio 2, $13.9 million; 5. Brick Mansions, $9.5 million. The Quiet Ones collected $3.9 million, still good for seventh place.