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Arcade/Platform, Puzzle, Racing, Rhythm/Music, Sports
Super Mario Party Jamboree

Mario and the rest of the gang will certainly keep you entertained with their minigame hootenanny, er, jamboree.

Action/Adventure, Puzzle, Racing
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Patrick Star Game

Is this a perfect game for kids? Well, that will depend on how young the starfish in your gaming galaxy …

a racing car - Need for Speed Unbound
Need for Speed Unbound

It’s a well-tuned racer. But some will still want to hit the brakes.

Gran Turismo 7 game
Racing, Sim
Gran Turismo 7

If you have a PS5 and any interest in simulated racing games in the least, this is a title to …

Car driving in Forza Horizon 5 game
Racing, Sports
Forza Horizon 5

Microsoft’s Xbox Game Studios takes an already excellent racing franchise and makes it even better for players of all ages.

Vintage muscle car jumping through fiery explosion.
Action/Adventure, Racing
Fast & Furious Crossroads

Sometimes you just want a good racing game. Sorry Fast & Furious fans, Crossroads just ain’t it.