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Forget Disneyland

The men and women of the Make-a-Wish Foundation sure do some great things, helping sick kids bring their fantasies to life. And I say God bless ’em. I just heard about one fulfilled wish, though, that was a little different.

Disneyland? Hollywood? The Bahamas? Nah. 7-year-old Maxwell Hinton of Fresno Calif., had one dream: He wanted to blow something up. Something big. “I watch MythBusters and they inspired me to blow a building up,” the little guy reported. And sure enough, Make-a-Wish made it happen. They flew Maxwell and his family out to somewhere outside of Toledo, Ohio, and gave him the button to ignite a whole bunch of dynamite and implode a gigantic grain silo.

Maxwell was excited about it, as was a crowd of about 30,000 to 40,000 folks who made a day of it and traveled out to see the massive concrete and steel structure go down. Turns out the old silo needed to come down anyway to sell the property, so everybody’s happy.

I’m just glad Maxwell’s mom didn’t let the little guy watch a show like Jersey Shore or something.