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Good Girls

Three middle aged women have concerned looks on their faces as an ominous man lurks behind them.





Emily Tsiao

TV Series Review

“Alright, everybody be cool, and nobody gets hurt. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery!”

While Annie has heard these words before, she certainly never thought she’d be saying them herself. But the fact of the matter is that she, big sister Beth and best friend Ruby are desperate for some quick money.

You see, Beth’s behind on her mortgage payments because her husband, Dean, made some bad business choices and then blew all the money they did have on his mistress. Ruby is a waitress; and her hubby, Stan, is a security guard. They both work as many shifts as they can to provide for their family, but their daughter, Sara, is very sick. And they can’t afford the medical treatments that would save her life. And while Annie isn’t exactly rolling in cash, she always got by before—until her kid’s dad threatened to sue for custody.

So what do these manic mamas do? Pull on some ski masks, paint a few toy guns black and hold up the grocery store where Annie works.

Moms Gone Wild

Now, while robbing a store isn’t exactly sane, it’s also not the craziest thing these ladies get up to. Although Annie assured Beth and Ruby that the store’s safe would only hold about 30 grand, it had more—a lot more. Like a quarter of a million dollars more.

Turns out the grocery store was a business front for some shady gang activity. And Rio, the leader of said gang, wants his money back—with interest.

However, it also turns out that there’s nobody better to launder fake money for a drug dealer than a trio of moms willing to do whatever it takes to protect and provide for their kids.

Everyone Else Gone Wild

Ruby, Beth and Annie lie, cheat, steal and sometimes, even kill to make some dough. And they aren’t the only ones. Rio keeps his “employees” in line with violence, sometimes murdering innocent people. And Annie’s supposedly Christian boss tries to rape her in exchange for not turning her into the police.

But those aren’t this show’s only problems. As mentioned above, Dean has an affair with a younger woman (and we see some steamy scenes between the two as well as between other characters throughout the show). Annie isn’t much better, becoming emotionally involved with her engaged therapist.

Her daughter (played by a trans actor) is bullied by classmates for wearing boys’ clothing (we hear that they pull down the child’s pants) and comes out as trans later in the show. And Stan winds up working security for a strip club, much to Ruby’s chagrin.

Language is also harsh, with a plethora of profanities (including misuses of God’s and Christ’s names).

These “good girls” are just trying to do what’s best for their families, but in the worst way possible. And that makes Good Girls a good candidate for families to avoid.  

Episode Reviews

Mar. 7, 2021: “One Night in Bangkok”

Beth panics after Rio frames her for murdering her coworker. Ruby tries to understand why her son is struggling in school. And Annie attempts to connect with her kid.

A boy gets into trouble for disrupting class; his parents then learn that he has been drawing male genitalia on all of his homework assignments. His dad insinuates that the teacher must be racist but eventually agrees to have the boy tested for ADHD.

A woman considers having an affair. There are jokes about sex. We hear a brief description about female anatomy. We see several women exercising in a park, some of whom are wearing tight clothing.

A dog finds the rotting foot of a corpse. Several people drink alcohol excessively to deal with stress. A woman goes temporarily blind during a panic attack. Beth tells her husband how to launder money. People lie and blackmail others. A building inspector accepts a bribe. We hear that a teenager threw a “rager,” and cops were called to break the party up.

We hear uses of “a–,” “d–n” and “h—” as well as the term “panty-dropper.” We also hear misuses of God’s and Christ’s names.

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Emily Tsiao

Emily studied film and writing when she was in college. And when she isn’t being way too competitive while playing board games, she enjoys food, sleep, and geeking out with her husband indulging in their “nerdoms,” which is the collective fan cultures of everything they love, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate and Lord of the Rings.

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