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Contributor: PluggedIn Staff

Grey’s Anatomy

UPDATED REVIEW: A whole lot has changed in the medical-comedy world since a gaggle of fresh-faced interns first lusted over “McDreamy” in 2005. (But not when it comes to the sexualized, over-the-top plotlines.)

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In Plain Sight

Some people really are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The worst off among them wind up in the Witness Protection Program with U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon.

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The Defenders

Vegas is a tough town—and so are its lawyers. Well, two of them, anyway: Nick and Pete, a couple of scoundrels with muddled morals … and huge hearts.

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Teen Mom

UPDATED REVIEW: For better or worse, this quartet of young mothers has become a fixture on the television landscape. … So which is it? Are we better off for Teen Mom? Or worse?

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Love in the Wild

Which is wilder? The jungles of Costa Rica or the streets of L.A.? Which is more risqué? The Bachelor or Love in the Wild? For the sake of peace, let’s call it a tie.

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How I Met Your Mother

UPDATED REVIEW: Television sitcoms often put their giggliest gags in the mouths of their most obnoxious, morally challenged characters. Time to put the kibosh on Barney.

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18 to Life

It used to be common for teens to wed and start a family. Nowadays, most teens would rather destroy their cell phones than get down on one knee. Is that why it’s now sitcom material for two 18-year-olds to get hitched?

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America’s Got Talent

UPDATED REVIEW: Fifty percent American Idol. Fifty percent The Gong Show. One hundred percent spectacle.

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Kath & Kim

Egocentric whining and perky asides about celebrity fashion faux pas are, as the ever-articulate Kim might put it, like, so totally, y’know … whatever!

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UPDATED REVIEW: For years, unlikely schoolmates have united to sing and dance their way into your living room and your heart. High School Musical? Nope. This Fox curtain call makes us feel quite a bit less happy than that.

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UPDATED REVIEW: Year after year, iCarly wins a Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Award. So it’s clearly a fave among tweens. Should parents feel the same way?

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Jersey Shore

UPDATED REVIEW: Drinking, swearing, hooking up … and lots and lots of Snookisms. MTV’s Jersey Shore relocates to Miami, but the song is still the same.

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Sonny With a Chance

A chance of what, exactly? Precipitation? Humor? A teachable moment? It seems Demi Lovato’s Disney Channel sitcom is a bit short on sunshine.

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The Chicago Code

Fox figures that New York City has had its fair share of cop shows. So it’s off to Chi-town for an intimate look at crime, criminals and the corrupt aldermen who apparently are to blame for it all.

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Disney alumni Aly Michalka and Ashley Tisdale migrate to the CW for a sudsy soap centered on the sculpted abs, sexy dance moves and fierce squad rivalries that form the core of college cheerleading. (At least on TV.)

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