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Contributor: Caleb Gottry

Caleb Gottry is the Plugged In intern for Summer 2024. Caleb studies journalism with a minor in music at Texas Christian University, where he will be a junior in the fall. He loves playing with words, listening to and making music, and spending any spare time with friends or family.

Lies Lies Lies

Morgan Wallen’s latest heartbreak song has the country singer telling himself lies to get over a breakup … without breaking.

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Find Me Falling

Netflix’s TV-14 romcom won’t be a good fit for every family. But it still offers some nice reflections about love, life and loving life.

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Despite its name, Marvel’s Hit-Monkey on Hulu is a clear, horrific miss.

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To Kill a Mockingbird

Mature themes make up much of the plot, but the messages remain poignant and true in this classic story’s film adaptation.

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The Bachelorette

Nothing says love like a competitive, highly orchestrated reality TV show. Or so the folks at ABC would have you think.

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Your Honor

Your Honor proves that lies, even for a good reason, always fall to the truth. But characters go to some dark places before they realize that.

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Why Does It Matter What We Listen To?

Music goes into our motor memory, not short-term, which is why we should really pay attention to what we’re listening to on repeat.

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Please Please Please

In her newest single, Sabrina Carpenter delivers an explicit warning to her current romantic interest.

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

This early Steven Spielberg classic holds up well story-wise, but it might have more content than you remember.

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Disney Junior’s Ariel

Disney Junior’s Ariel is so kid-friendly, even the sea witch is now the friendly and soulful Tauntie Ursula.

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Star Trek: Prodigy

Designed with kids in mind, this animated Star Trek show might have some parents over the moon.

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Chip Chilla

This Bluey-like show features a functional family, and episodes can be used as springboards for discussion.

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The Secret of Us

The Secret of Us seems like it’s meant to be cathartic, but it mostly misses the mark in its depiction of romance and break-ups.

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Rising Impact

Rising Impact tells a story of a young boy’s perseverance as he learns, alongside the viewer, about the game of golf.

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Fathers & Sons

Luke Combs shows the world what imperfect, but faithful fatherhood should look like on his newest album, Fathers & Sons.

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