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Plugged In Blog

Getting Better All The Time

Here’s a little test: Think about some stupid moral choice you’ve made and would rather forget. (Don’t worry: You won’t be required to tell us

Trading Tweets for Sweet Art

Singer/songwriter/Twitterer extraordinaire John Mayer stopped tweeting back in February, leaving his 3 million-plus followers adrift and leaderless in a great digital wasteland. He never returned

America, Limping Toward Malaise?

You hear and read a lot of commentary on how America’s values are skidding down the slippery slope at breakneck speed. But you don’t typically

Movie Monday: The Social Network

Sony “likes” The Social Network—and a whole lot of other folks do, too. The movies most folks are calling “the Facebook film” topped the box

Whose Football Is It, Anyway?

A couple weeks ago I had a momentarily confusing, disorienting experience watching NFL football on a Sunday afternoon. I’d just gotten my son down for

The Graying of Network TV

Broadcast TV has a problem. (No, not Two and a Half Men, although, trust me, that show’s got more problems than my uncle Benny’s waistband

Really? This Is Awesome?

I first heard about about a month ago and assumed it would garner 10 followers. Then it would land on obscure marketing websites, listed

Underground Entertainment

For nearly two months now, 33 Chilean miners have been living a half-mile underground, waiting for rescue. Experts say these miners will see the sun

Movie Monday: Money Never Sleeps

Money really doesn’t sleep. Sometimes at 2 a.m., I think I hear the sound of laughter and music from my billfold, as my tiny collection

There’s a Worm in my Tweet!

Twitter was infected this week by a virus that flooded user’s accounts with odd messages and prompted un-clicked pop-ups—some of which contained malicious code that

Plugged In Parent’s Guide to Today’s Technology


About Us

Good media discernment is about guarding our eyes and hearts before we watch or listen. And it’s also about grappling with the entertainment we do see or hear. That’s why the Plugged In Blog is devoted to guarding, discussing and grappling. About Plugged In >>

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